Agghhh..the torture of last minute assignments and computer tantrums!! What part of "DON'T wait until the last minute to do this assignment" don't we (read, I) understand?
I dance, but to my own tunes, my own rhythm and my own pace. I dance on the fringes of all reason.
If it weren't for the last minute..nothing would get done.
or the last millisecond. That's when the most important and relevant to exam cramming happens..
and also, i think it's the "don't" that you overlook. but it's so overlooked that it hardly matters anyway.. ;)
Austra: Then why don't they just gove us the damn assignments at the last minute???
Quote yourself: "Maakikirkiri!!"
Sita: This is what happens when you read John Grishams in class :(
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