Monday, April 25, 2005


Usual boring Monday night. Roomie grading undecipherable squiggles, a lame excuse for a Biology final. Me desperately trying to gett off my butt and concentrate on the shower at the end of the corridor and NOT on the eardrum blasting sound of my stomach.

Roomie: Hey ..Lemony Snickett...I think it will be a good movie.

Me: (see frog with 3 eyes and zone out) Eh? what?

Roomie: (enthusiastically) This movie, it's one of those nice, different movies!

Me: You mean it's wierd and stupid?

Roomie: ya I guess

Me: Maybe it's my kinda movie then..ha?

Roomie: Oh yes...totally your kinda movie

Me: So you're trying to tell me that I am wierd and stupid? Huh? huh?

Roomie: ahhh no no..see just beacuse ppl like abtract art it doesn't mean they are abstract ....

Me: *glazed look in eyes*

Roomie: like something, you are something else on the inside... You are not what you like..(or something like that)

Me: *trying to comprehend*

Me: So you trying to tell me that just coz I think this movie is my type, that I am wierd and stupid??

Roomie: You zoned me out, didn't you? *forgotten expletive*

Me: It's my kinda movie haan?

The brain bajao sessions never end, do they? (roomie rocks!)


Blogger The Abyss said...

reason? it doesn't exist. Which means I don't dance..get it? hehe!

3:47 PM  

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