Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Yello! I'm green, and what are you today?

We all live in reality right? Unless we live in a perpetual dream, which is actually a warped, pink heart-shaped version of reality. So then why would the inane, mundane, horribly biscuit coloured details of someone else's life be of ANY interest to anyone. Who knows..but hey, it sells!!

On this same note and recently acquired thought debilitation, I have come up with this idea of painting my life. My mouth works overtime anyways and it's too damn hard to find a script writer. Paints are better. Just pages and pages of solid colour - and then polka dots, stripes, checks, etc for when I'm feeling creative.

So now that we have these details taken care of, there's this one thing that been bugging me. If you say you are blue, universally you are conveying you are sad; if I situate yellow with being happy, then does green mean I am confused? Or bipolar?

Today, I feel like a multi-coloured, polka-dotted, graffiti wall.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

green boeltho u ate in some sidey cheap hotel.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Anil Singh said...

Good post

11:17 PM  

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