Thursday, April 28, 2005

8 F***ing am, Prof finally decides that he wants to commence class. Regarding final on Tuesday: "Ya, well I figured I would give you guys a multiple choice format since evidently from the last midterm, most of you can't even write a full sentence."
sarcasm alarm starts ringing
The class laughs. WHAT??? Doesn't anyone get it?

Last day of classes and we get locked out.
Prof shows up late so we sprawl on the floor like refugees.
Seriously, who really cares about the new Food Pyramid? It's just a triangle used for decorating fridge and hence make kitchen colourful.

6 finals
2 papers
The g-raping has officially begun!


Monday, April 25, 2005


Usual boring Monday night. Roomie grading undecipherable squiggles, a lame excuse for a Biology final. Me desperately trying to gett off my butt and concentrate on the shower at the end of the corridor and NOT on the eardrum blasting sound of my stomach.

Roomie: Hey ..Lemony Snickett...I think it will be a good movie.

Me: (see frog with 3 eyes and zone out) Eh? what?

Roomie: (enthusiastically) This movie, it's one of those nice, different movies!

Me: You mean it's wierd and stupid?

Roomie: ya I guess

Me: Maybe it's my kinda movie then..ha?

Roomie: Oh yes...totally your kinda movie

Me: So you're trying to tell me that I am wierd and stupid? Huh? huh?

Roomie: ahhh no no..see just beacuse ppl like abtract art it doesn't mean they are abstract ....

Me: *glazed look in eyes*

Roomie: like something, you are something else on the inside... You are not what you like..(or something like that)

Me: *trying to comprehend*

Me: So you trying to tell me that just coz I think this movie is my type, that I am wierd and stupid??

Roomie: You zoned me out, didn't you? *forgotten expletive*

Me: It's my kinda movie haan?

The brain bajao sessions never end, do they? (roomie rocks!)

Friday, April 22, 2005


Schizophrenia does NOT feature multiple personalities; this fact has been wrongly portrayed by media (but then again, what hasn't). Schizophrenics are, in fact, delusional, psychotic and may have speech difficulties because their neurotransmitters (dopamine) are out of whack!

thank you, thank you!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Agghhh..the torture of last minute assignments and computer tantrums!! What part of "DON'T wait until the last minute to do this assignment" don't we (read, I) understand?

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Definition: a nonsense word meaning fantastic; also called supercalifragilistic

Etymology: popularized by the movie 'Mary Poppins'

Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious

If I ever end up having kids, I think I would make them repeat this 25 times everytime they do something wrong. Consqequentially, they will become expert phoneticists and will be able to recite "she sells sea shells on the sea shore" in their dreams without distorting the pronounciation of any word!

Hah! Maybe they should make this an official nursery rhyme.... supercalifragilistic idea eh? What say?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

10 signs that you are DEFINITELY PMSing!

Deviations from the otherwise deviant, non-sensical behavior become significant enough to be re-noticed when:

  1. You cook food 3 days in a row; this food actually tastes good.
  2. You take 3 hr naps, wake up when you are supposed to officially go to bed and bake 2 lemon cakes.
  3. You are wired enough to do a 500 m sprint around the apartment complex AFTER a 12 hr long day of classes.
  4. You force people to drink elaichi and haldi ka doodh (poor guy) at 12 in the night after they insist that they are not hungry. And then you want them to eat a sandwich too, and get offended when they say no.
  5. In all seriousness you contemplate murder (or torture) and consider the legal implications of the same considering you told the judge that your hormones were temporarily drunk/doped.
  6. Your friends TELL you that you are in PMS.
  7. You insist on dragging your roomie off her bed and out of her room by her feet and then drop her on the ground; just because you don't want her to sleep..(this calls for a board meeting)!!
  8. You call your mother on her way to work and ask her if she recognizes your voice and knows who she is talking to...(what naansense!).
  9. An hr long, brain-racking, nerve-grating, time consuming conversation with customer service reps actually energizes you and you send them back a feedback email saying "Yaaayy to Girl Power"!!! *pretend not to recognize roomie*
  10. You say you have 10 signs..but you actually only have 9 (hahah...tricked you)!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The brains of an OX

I create a whole new blog, publish my first post, get all kicked about the whole issue and then BOOM...I forget my username!!!! I login to my blog 60 times a day to see if my blog magically appears on the dashboard. But no, I am in denial that I might have another username; this fact having been repeatedly pointed out to me by a friend who tried to see what the problem was.

So this basically boils down to the fact that there is someone else inside my brain. How else could I have 2 usernames with the same password?? EXPLAIN!!!

Ahhh..the pigheadedness of an alter ego!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The first of many

If life threw 3 things at you all at once, do you attempt to catch them all at once? Or do you catch just one and let the others fall? If they fall do you bend down and pick 'em up or concentrate on balancing what you've already caught?
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